Sunday, May 26, 2024

BRS website closing down! :( After Action Review?

Yes, the BRS website is closing down, due to lack of interest/activity.

Kudos to TJ for running the whole operations for many years! I guess the database of info will be given to Barefoot KenBob, so will be at his website.

I have lingering questions. Perhaps too late, but:

Did everyone on that site, just disperse to smaller, more local, FB pages?

Are all the barefoot runners who went to that site still running barefoot?

Was it all a 'craze'?

I feel like runners in general go thru a personal running 'craze', then age out of running in general? So I'm wondering if all the barefoot runners from the site just stopped running, period?

Did anyone, gasp, actually go back to running with shoes??

Feel free to leave a comment below, with your reflections, thoughts, theories!
